Online entries for NZVMX Vintage Motocross series
Have a technical question about your bike and its class: Contact
For Pre 1986 bikes contact Chris Newman 0210346768
For 1986 through to 1999 Bikes contact Rodney Tomblin at parts@hukahonda.co.nz or 0272481861
Over 60s
Women’s Classes
Open to any female competitor within the age / ability limits of current VMX rules.
Any machine from the classes below is eligible.
Pre 70
All bikes pre 1970.
Classic (Circa 74) - Small Bore, Mid Bore, Big Bore
Pre 78 - Small Bore, Mid Bore, Big Bore
Evo (Circa 1981) - Small Bore, Mid Bore, Big Bore
1978 – 1981.
Twin shock or Cantilever suspension (no linkage suspension) drum brakes only.
Water cooling must be period correct.
Linkage Pre 1986 - Small Bore, Mid Bore, Big Bore
1982 – 1985. Bikes are first generation of linkage suspension bikes up to and including 1985 models.
No rear disc brakes.
Upside down forks restricted to period White power and Simons only.
Pre 1991 - Small Bore, Mid Bore, Big Bore
1986 – 1990. Second generation linkage bikes up to and including 1990 models.
Up to 1999 - Small Bore, Mid Bore, Big Bore
Enduro Classes
4 Stroke - Under/Over
Follow on Models
Riding in other Classes
Riders may ‘ride up’ one era/generation in their correct capacity as a means of entering additional races. Example - A Pre 74 open bike may be entered into the Pre 74 and Pre 78 Open Classes. However it is not eligible to be ridden in the Pre 86 open Class.
Riders may not ride down an era/generation class.
Bikes are only eligible for the capacity class for which they qualify. That is Small Bore bikes may only be ridden in Small Bore classes. Mid Bore Bikes may only be ridden in Mid Bore classes etc
Small Bore (185cc 2T, 0 - 250cc 4T) - No Big Bore/Stroked 4T greater than 250cc
Mid Bore (186cc -250cc 2T, 251- 400cc 4T) - No Big Bore/Stroked 4T greater than 400cc
Big Bore (251 + 2T, 401cc + 4T)
4 T Under (0 - 200cc)***
4 T Over (201cc +)***
*** as per AGM May 2024 (changes will be in place for the 2024/25 season}
to qualify 4T bikes - YZ400F = big bore bike - open class
XR400 = big bore class in 4T & Enduro
Up to 400cc Air cooled = mid bore classes
Water cooled 400 - big bore classes
Up to 400cc air cooled - mid bore
Technical Enquiries
Have a technical question about your bike and its class: Contact