Online entries for NZVMX Vintage Motocross series
Riders must demonstrate competence in the operation of their motorcycle or face exclusion.
NZ VMX Inc reserves the right to exclude any person in an event who fails to demonstrate basic and safe competence in the operation of their motorcycle.
2. Bikes Must be Eligible for the Era/Generation and Capacity Classes they are entered in
Bikes must be configured in the spirit of the era/generation that it is competing in.
See also Follow On / Works Bike Rule in the Classes / Capacities.
Post 1970 road bikes are not permitted to participate.
Riders may ‘ride up’ one Era or Generation as a means of entering additional races. Example. A Pre 74 Bike may be entered into the Pre 74 and Pre 78 Classes. A Pre 74 bike is not to be entered into the Pre 86 Class.
Riding down an Era/Generation is not permitted.
Bikes must always be ridden in their correct capacity classes. Example a midbore bike may only compete in midbore classes - not in bigbore or smallbore.
Bikes are to comply with the technical specifications for the era as set out on the VMX.CO.NZ webpage. (See classes/capacities)
3. Bikes Must be Safe
The rider is responsible for ensuring that their bike is in good mechanical order and safe to compete throughout the duration of the event. The rider is to ensure that safety critical elements of their bike are operating correctly; this includes but is not restricted to:
Brakes that will effectively slow and stop the bike.
Fuel tanks and related systems that do not leak.
Electrical components and wiring that is properly contained and will not act as an uncontrolled source of ignition.
Steering that functions correctly.
No side stands are to be fitted.
No Bark Busters are to be fitted.
That there are no other sharp projections on the bike.
Silencers being fitted and operate to reduce noise.
4. Bikes must be clean prior to entering the venue
5. Riders must be safe
Personal Protective Equipment. The rider is responsible for and must wear while riding their bike:
Riding off the Race Track. Riders may ride their bike through pit areas and other areas subject to the bike remaining in first gear, speeds being restricted to no more than 10kph, safety clothing is being worn and other participants/persons are not placed at risk.
6. Rider Conduct
Ride within their ability and the ability of the bike
Ride cleanly and do not create danger for other riders or persons
Ride within the pegs. Deliberate running down of pegs will result in exclusion or other sanctions determined by the Clerks of the Course.
Give race space on the track.
Any offer of abuse or violence to NZ VMX officials or other persons will result in exclusion.
7. Junior Riders
A junior rider aged 15 to 16 years old may ride at the discretion of the organisers.
Junior riders may participate subject to the following:
8. Alcohol and Recreation Drugs
Riders are not to consume alcohol, recreation or performance enhancing drugs prior to or during the event.
9. Riders Returning to Racing and New Riders
Riders returning to after a long break or who are new to VMX are exposed to greater risk due to potential over/under confidence, lack of fitness or not being totally aware of the regulations.
All riders returning to or who are new to the sport are for their first NZ VMX event to make themselves known to the organisers after the riders briefing to ensure so that any concerns or uncertainties on the event procedures are understood.
10. Riders Briefing
All riders are to attend the Riders Briefing
Failure to attend will result in elimination from participation.
11. Practice
All riders are to participate in at least one practice session to familiarise themselves with the operation of their bike and any track hazards.
Practice sessions are not to be treated as race sessions.
12. Race Control
The primary means to control races is through the use of flags. Riders are to take actions required when the following flags are displayed:
Yellow - Incident has occurred. Exercise caution, slow down and do not pass any other rider.
Red - Major Incident has occurred. The race is stopped. Slow down and return to the pits.
Black - Major Safety or Conduct Infringement. The rider who is black flagged is to stop racing immediately and return to the pits. Continued participation will then be determined by NZ VMX Inc officials.
White - Final lap.
Chequered - Race Finished. Return to the pits.
13. Race Numbers
Each rider will only have one race number
All bikes entered by the rider are to have the riders race number.
Riders who enter on the day will be allocated a race number by the organiser.
Riders are not permitted to have multiple race numbers or a race number that is common with another rider.
--- Please contact officials if you want to be using someone else's bike in a different class. ---
14. Environment
Participants are not to:
Camp at the venue unless authorised by the land owner
Smoke at the venue (prevent fire)
Leave behind waste or rubbish
Deliberately spill fuel or other hazardous substances to the ground or to waterways
Use google tear-offs
15. Spectators and supporters
Spectators (including riders who are spectating) and supporters are:
Not to cross the start gate area at any time
Not to cross the track when riders are approaching
Not to stand in corners
To maintain a safe distance from the track edge at all times
16. Failure to Comply with Rules
NZ VMX Inc reserve the right to stop the participation of any person in an event or series of events at any time for a failure to comply with its Rules.
If the failure to comply with the rules is deliberate, then depending on the seriousness, the Clerk of the Course or the NZ VMX Committee may exclude the participation of the person.
17. Protests
18. Awarding of Points
Points will be scored as per FIM Rules 1st = 25 pts, 20th =1 pts.
19. Indemnity
20. Payment