Online entries for NZVMX Vintage Motocross series
NZ VMX Inc. is a non-profit recreation club run by volunteers. The club aims to support its membership and other interested individuals and parties to restore, preserve, ride and race vintage dirt bikes.
Any proceeds made at the series end are invested in the next series. We also provide opportunities for local communities to undertake fundraising at our events whenever possible.
The series is owned by YOU the competitors and will only be as good as the support you invest in it.
Club Membership Fees - $30
Event entry fees are:
- One class - online $60.00
- Two classes - online $70.00
- Three or more classes online $80.00
- Policy for NO Entries on the day
- Riders 70 yrs plus, residents overseas (incl South Islanders) - Free Entry.
Note no racing licence is required.