
Race Number Register for the New Zealand Natural Clothing NZVMX series.

From 1st July 2024 Annual Club Membership / Number Registration $30pa

Number Registration/Changes. If you want to re-register OR change your race number  - please email the webmaster at and include your name, bike details and class/es.

- check this race number register
- choose a number that is not taken (or contact us to ask)
- you must have a unique number for manual lap scoring
- the same number is used on ALL your VMX bikes

This register is a membership and bike race number register.  You are welcome to "preserve your number" by way of $30 membership fee if you can't ride for a couple of seasons.  

Click to Complete this Membership Form and pay online:
NZ VMX Membership FORM & Bike Number Register

  • Registering your race number is not an entry.  It is not compulsory to be a member to race for 24/25 season.

  • Annual membership to be paid before 1st January 2025 otherwise number may be allocated to another racer.

  • Membership Number / Race Number Register only applies to NZ VMX events - it does not make you eligible for the events of any other vmx clubs; so, if they ask you to change it don't complain - comply! ;)

  • On the Day Entries? Hmmmm - better to be sorted before the day!  Communication is key - we need to know you are coming, and you need to arrive at sign on early so we can assist you.

  • Rules for ongoing membership / registration will be reviewed at AGM.

  • No numbers with ZERO in front, no letters.

  • Race number register - current owner has right of renewal, current owner has first rights to number on race day.


CLICK HERE FOR the INAUGURAL & developing MEMBERSHIP LIST (link is regularly updated)