
Do I need a racing licence?


Bike Eligibilty

Your bike must be eligible and comply with the requirements for the class entered and be in the spirit of its chosen era.

Duty of Care

The NZVMX Organisers recognise that riding dirt bikes has the potential to place participants at risk of harm and therefore it seeks to make its event as safe as practically possible while still retaining the challenge of vintage off-road racing.

Bike Safety

The rider is responsible for ensuring that their bike is in good mechanical order and safe to compete throughout the duration of the event. The rider is to ensure that safety critical elements of their bike are operating correctly; this includes but is not restricted to:

* Brakes that will effectively slow and stop the bike.

* Fuel tanks and related systems that do not leak.

* Electrical component and wiring that is properly contained and will not act as a uncontrolled source of ignition.

* Steering that functions correctly.

* That there are no sharp projections on the bike.

* Silencers being fitted and operate in such a way to reduce noise.

Rider Safety

Personal Protective Equipment. The rider is responsible for and must wear while riding their bike:

* an approved motorcycle safety helmet which is in good condition,

* full length boots,

* gloves,

* body armour or full length back protector,

* long sleeve shirt,

* suitable MX pants or jeans,

* goggles (recommended).

Riding Conduct. The majority of accidents result from the rider's operation of the motorcycle they are riding. Riders are to ensure that they conduct their riding to the following principles:

* Ride within their ability and the ability of the bike

* Be competitive but ride cleanly and do not create danger for other riders or persons

* Respect and give space on the track to those riders who are juniors, learning or returning to racing.

Riding off the Race Track. At the discretion of the NZVMX Organisers, riders may ride their bike through pit areas and other areas subject to speeds being restricted to no more than 10kph, safety clothing is being worn and that you avoiding other participants.

Junior Riders will be addressed case by case

Riders Briefing. All riders are to attend the Riders Briefing.

Race Control

The primary means to control races is through the use of flags.

NZVMX uses standard race flags to control activities on the race track. Riders are to take actions required when the following flags are displayed :

Yellow - Incident has occurred. Exercise caution, slow down and do not pass any other rider.

Red - Major Incident has occurred. The race is stopped. Slow down and return to the pits.

Black -  Major Safety or Conduct Infringement. The rider who is black flagged is to stop racing immediately and return to the pits. Continued participation will then be determined by eNZed VMX officials.

White - Final lap.

Chequered - Race Finished. Return to the pits.

Venue and Environment

The landowners make available their land to NZVMX based on the following environmental requirements; these are to be adhered to at all times.

Participants are not to:

* Smoke at the venue (prevent fire)

* Leave behind waste or rubbish

* Deliberately spill fuel or other hazardous substances to the ground or to waterways

* Use google tear-offs

* Camp on site

No dogs are permitted at the venue


Spectators and supporters are welcome but must comply with the safety guidance provided at the event.

Failure to Comply with Rules

The organiser of NZVMX reserve the right to stop the participation of any person in an event at any time for a failure to comply with the event Rules.


Points will be scored as per FIM Rules 1st = 25 pts, 20th =1 pts.


MOTORSPORT IS HAZARDOUS. Yes you must complete an indemnity and acknowledge that you are participating at your discretion in a hazardous activity, have read the rules and know how to ride safely etc