
Please note, No Tear Offs, No Dogs at the Venue this is a working Organic Dairy Farm, take your rubbish home please.


Classes for both days

Udderly Organic Grand National Scramble Saturday 19th April 2025

Pre 75 Class All In

Pre 1975 capacity bikes. Max 4” rear suspension travel, max 7” Front suspension travel. Bikes must look like they were available no later than 1974.
Twin shock or Cantilever suspension, drum brakes and air cooled only.

Pre 78 Class All In

First generation long travel bikes

Pre 75s qualify for entry

Evo Class All In

Twin shock or Cantilever suspension (no linkage), drum brakes and air cooled only.

Pre 78s qualify for entry

Enduro - All in Class

Up to and including Evo era bikes of any capacity. All bikes must be air cooled with drum brakes.

4 Stroke - All in Class

Up to and including Evo twinshock era bikes of any capacity. All bikes must be air cooled with drum brakes.

Over 60s 

Must be age 60 and over on any capacity bike up to and including Evo Era bikes. All bikes must be air cooled with drum brakes.

Womens Class 

Must be female participating on any capacity bike up to and including Evo Era bikes. All bikes must be air cooled with drum brakes. 

Juniors Class 

Must be up to 16 years old and participating on any capacity bike up to and including Evo Era bikes. All bikes must be air cooled with drum brakes. 

Dirt Drags  Smallbore, Midbore and Open

Enter on the day it is after the day racing on a separate track to the main Track will have a fall back 2 gate start, 2 separate corners (one each) and a run back toward the start Knock out competition with the final 2 having 3 races swap lanes for the 2nd race




Udderly Organic Grand National Pre Y2K Vintage Motocross

Sunday 20th April 2025


Pre 86 Class All In

Bikes are first-generation linkage suspension bikes up to and including 1985 models.

Evos & pre 78s qualify for entry

Pre 91 Class All In

All capacities are second-generation linkage bikes up to and including 1990 models.

Pre-86s qualify for entry

Pre Y2K Classes - Smallbore, Midbore and Open

All capacities are second-generation linkage bikes up to and including 1999 and some flow-on models. Ask about eligibility!

Pre-91s qualify for entry

Womens Class - All in

Smallbore, Midbore and Open can ride up to 99 models 

Over 60s - All in

Must be age 60 and over Smallbore, Midbore and Open can ride up to 99 models

Enduro Pre 86 and Y2K

Any factory enduro bikes up to and including 1999 models.

Evo enduros qualify for entry

4 Stroke Pre 86 and Y2k Over 201cc

Any 4-stroke bike up to and including 1999 models. Divided into 0-200cc and 201cc and greater classes (unders and overs)

Evo pre 78 4Ts qualify for entry

4 Stroke Pre 96 Under 201cc

Any 4-stroke bike up to and including 1999 models.

Juniors Up to 16 years 

On Sunday they can be in main classes on suitable bikes or own race based on Entries    

Dirt Drags  Smallbore, Midbore and Open

Enter on the day it is after the day racing on a separate track to the main Track will have a fall back 2 gate start, 2 separate corners (one each) and a run back toward the start Knock out competition with the final 2 having 3 races swap lanes for the 2nd race


Organisers notes ;

Please make sure your bike is legal for the classes you have entered. This is your responsibility; don't put the organisers in the position of having to sort out any issues with the wrong bikes in the wrong classes. Ask us !!

Rule on Ride Up an Era:

Riders are permitted to ride their bike up one ERA With it being a 2-day event and with many travellers we want you to be able to have as many races as you can handle with what you bring. 

The Normal Rules for NZVMX = A pre-70 bike may be ridden in the Pre-75 class (but not the Evo Class). A Pre 75 bike may be ridden in the Evo Class (but not the Pre 86 class). An Evo Bike may be ridden in the Pre 86 Class and so on.........

Rule on Ride Up or Down a Capacity Class:

No riding up or down a capacity class is permitted.